Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dental practice bonus systems

Dental staff bonus plans has been the most popular topic on this blog about dental practice management.  I'm often asked whether dental practices pay bonuses to staff members.  Some dental practices pay bonuses and some practices do not.  Among practices that pay bonuses, bonuses (or incentive compensation) comprise anywhere from a small percent of earnings to 100 percent of earnings.

From my experience, there is no "normal" when it comes to dental staff bonuses.  Dental practice managers need to decide for themselves what makes sense in their situation.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Four Factors to Increase Dental Collections

See the full article, which I posted as a Knol. Here's the list:

  1. Number of patient visits
  2. Procedures per visit
  3. Fees per procedure
  4. Percent of fees collected

Five Dental Consulting Biases

See the full article, which I posted as a Knol. Here's the list:

  1. Short-term bias
  2. Dramatic change bias
  3. One size fits all bias
  4. Smart sounding answer bias
  5. Rule of thumb crutch