Tuesday, September 30, 2008


As founding partner of Proveer Practice Management (http://www.proveerpm.com/), I work with dentists for a living. I chose this line of work because:
a) Dentists are often business owners but are experts in something other than business.
b) I often observe room for five and six figure improvements in the wealth of my clients.
c) It is fun!

The roughly 100,000 dental practices in the US face some common challenges and there’s no shortage of companies promoting universal solutions – practice management consultants, financial planners, continuing education seminars and institutes, software and equipment vendors, supply reps, and more. However, each dentist has her own values, talents, constraints, ethics, and set of circumstances. Rather than sell universal solutions, I promote the application of good business principles to each unique situation.

Lacking universal solutions and recognizing that teaching good business principles is too big a bite for this blog to chew, I plan to offer a series of stories and comments from my interactions with dentists.


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